Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Hygenist Nightmare

My husband went to the dentist yesterday to have his teeth cleaned for the first time in about 2 years. And as you can imagine, he handled it like a man.

Let me first answer your initial question. Why? Well, again, he's a man. Second question - why didn't I make him. OK, let's see. I have nagged, bullied and begged. Finally, I did what only a wife can do. I threatened not to kiss him anymore.

Well, he finally went. But he refused to go to the same dentist our kids and I visit. Probably because he knew the dentist and I would have a good laugh about it.

So as he left the house yesterday I sweetly gave him a peck on the cheek and told him, "I hope they have a jackhammer ready."

The appointment started at 8:30 a.m. and finished at 10:20 a.m. Luckily, the hygenist put on a topical anesthetic.

He called me afterwards and our conversation went something like this:

Him: My mouth hurts.

Me: Well, I bet your teeth feel really clean.

Him: My mouth hurts.

Me: Take some aspirin.

Him: I hate going to the dentist.

Me: Don't you love that fresh-from-the-dentist clean feel?

Him: My mouth hurts.

Last night as we sat on our patio, he was in a much better mood. A couple of Tylenol, and gin and tonics did wonders.

"I think the hygienist got tired," he told me. "She actually poked me once in the lip."

"I'm never going to do this again," he said.

What? I've got to fight this battle again?

"I've learned my lesson," he said. "I'm going back in six months."

As he finished telling me about his two hours in the chair, I didn't have the heart to tell him that this year he needs to schedule his first colonoscopy. I'm working from up to down on bettering his health.

The Wondering Texan


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