Monday, December 5, 2011

Getting that Perfect Christmas Card Photo

A few days ago, I received my first Christmas card of the season. While I was excited to see a friend's family and read the message, it also filled me with angst.

One card photo from Hilton Head, S.C.
 It's not so much the sending of cards that gets me, it's the dread of trying to get a cute family photo that puts me in a cold sweat. For some reason, every other American family can easily snap a family photo, slap it on a card and send. For instance, I have a cousin who every year sends a darling photo of his son and dog. Every year the card looks like a Ralph Lauren ad complete with a blazing fire or freshly fallen snow. Then there's always some family, rosy cheeks and all, perched on a mountain top holding skies. It makes me want to flick them off with my fingers.

I'm not a Grinch, really I'm not. It's just the pressure of coming up with some cute idea, much less making my family go along with it. Last year, I got a reprieve having gone through cancer treatment. It was great. Expectations of me were so low that if I sent an email I was congratulated. But now, I have no excuse.

On the shore of Lake Michigan
One year when my daughter was a toddler and we were decorating the tree, I simply draped a string of lights around her with a message "We hope your holiday is bright." Then another year, I was a crazed mom who brought Santa hats with us on vacation to Colorado. I made my kids perch on a rocky overlook with the hats on. They absolutely hated the ordeal until other hikers started cooing over them. Then, naturally, my kids started to ham it up and I couldn't get them down. I've even done something that would cause most parenting experts to wag their bony fingers at me. I've bribed my kids to be agreeable and take a good photo. Yes, it's true. They've gotten candy, movies and toys out of this task. I can hear the "tsk, tsk, tsk."

So this year, what am I going to do? Put them on the beach holding a fish? Make them sit on our town's "Tropical Santa" lap?" All would hate that but it would make me laugh. Oh, I just got an idea! Take their photo with them holding star fish in front of their eyes with a "starry night" message. Too hokey?

Wondering what I will bribe my kids with this year. They're older now and the bribes are getting more expensive.

The Wondering Texan

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