Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Break Brings Sun, Wildflowers and People to Town

Sunny skies for spring breakers.
This is Spring Break week for a majority of kids in Texas. Ah, Spring Break. That one week of the year to get a tan, stay out late, play in the sun and generally be irresponsible. That is...until you become a mom.

This is one of the things all of the books leave out when you're pregnant. This and the fact that as your chest deflates, your hips inflate after pregnancy.

When you become a mom, you've got to find things for the kids to do over Spring Break. When they were really little, it wasn't too bad. Park, ice cream, Putt Putt, maybe a movie. But for older kids, it's got to be thrilling. Which is why my kids are bored.

Today is the first day in many that the sun actually appeared warming the ground and driving the fog away. So, I suggested to the kids (more like ordered) all of us to the beach for a walk. I got peppered with the "why" questions. If you think kids stop asking all of the "why" questions by the time they reach 6 years old, think again.

Today I was asked:

"Why do we have to walk on the beach?"
"Why are they burying that guy in the sand?"
"Why are there so many people here?"
"Why do sharks come close to the shore?"
and my personal favorite, "Why do some people your age still wear bikinis?"

So, I tried to answer as many questions as possible while shooting these photos. If you can't visit a beach this week, hopefully these photos of springtime along the Coastal Bend will put your mind in Margaritaville.

Wondering why do people who shouldn't wear bikinis do?

The Wondering Texan
Beware! Sand shark on the beach.

A monster of an effort.
Guess they didn't agree with his answer.
I wish I could say the wind did that to his hair.
Our azaleas are in full bloom.
Wildflowers right off of the beach.
A patch of Bluebonnets near the beach entrance.

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