Monday, November 14, 2011

A Letter to Santa

I think I'll add this to his baby book.
'Tis the time for children to mull over catalogs, circle items and argue that they really have been good all year. It's no different in my household.

Last week, a catalog came in the mail and my 10-year-old son promptly grabbed it and circled about 15 things he wanted. Then, he sat down and wrote to the Head Honcho, Santa.

His letter is so sweet, I had to share it.

"Dear Santa,

I have been a very good boy this year & I don't want much but one of my wishes is that my family can be heathy (sic) & happy. I was also thinking about the fact that almost no one even belives (sic) in you. That gets me upset, but don't worry, I still belive (sic) in you. But don't worry about them besides you'll always have me & when I grow up, my children & etc. So Santa, live on! Happy Holidays."

Relaxing by the fire.
Although going through a major illness was truly earth shattering, I do believe that it also had some upsides. One is that my family has learned not to take each other for granted. I'd like to think my children have a more balanced perspective on what's important. Also, we have learned to slow down and enjoy the seasons.

For example, last weekend, my husband and I burned some pinon wood in the fire pit enjoying the crackling sound and earthy smell. With our feet propped up, we looked at each other and savored the moment. Then my husband said, "You're my best friend."

Wondering if Santa can bottle moments like that.

The Wondering Texan

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