Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Throwing a Downhome Thanksgiving for the Brits

Last Saturday night, our neighbors Judy and Les hosted a real American Thanksgiving for their visiting British friends who came to South Texas for a little sun, seafood, and everything Western. So with that, Brits John and Nora experienced their first Thanksgiving celebration marshmallows and all.

Instead of giving you the blow-by-blow of the party, here are snippets of conversations that I think you will enjoy. Try to imagine the British accents of John and Nora while reading.

Conversation #1: Let There Be Sun
John:  "We went to the grocery store today and a guy came up to me saying he hasn't seen white legs like mine in quite a while. I told him, 'yes I know. They're like milk jugs."

Conversation #2: A Cowgirl Hat for Mum
Nora: " I bought a cowgirl hat to wear to the King Ranch."
Me: "Oh really? What does it look like?"
Neighbor Judy: "It's lime green and rolled up along the sides."
My thought: Only a British mum could get away with wearing a lime green straw cowgirl hat to the King Ranch and not get cattle prodded.

Conversation #3: I'm a Little Tea Pot
John: "At Walmart I asked the sales lady where the tea pots are. She took me to these big tea brewing things. 'No I said, a tea pot. A little tea pot.' She got confused so I gave up."

Conversation #4: More Marshmallows Please
Nora: "Oh, you put marshmallows on sweet potatoes?"

Conversation #5: Cranberries and Taters
Neighbor Winnie: "Did you see he put the cranberry sauce on his potatoes?"

Conversation #6: Watch the Nails
Neighbor Judy: "We went and got our nails done yesterday. Nora started to put on her seat belt and I screamed at her 'No! You will mess up your nails.'
Nora: "So I asked, 'But won't we get in trouble with the police?"
Judy: "I told her they won't bother us. So she perched on the front of her seat with her fingers in front of the air conditioner vent."
Me to Nora: "Men in Texas know not to bother us when it comes to our hair and nails."

Conversation #7: Poor Camilla
Me: "What did you guys think of the royal wedding?"
Nora: "Oh we had a block party. It was a lovely wedding. She's a lovely girl."
John: "To think, Charles preferred Camilla over Diana! Camilla is a cow."
Nora: "She's lazy. And everybody thinks Diana was murdered."

Conversation #8: No Botox Necessary
Judy: "We took them to eat a Tex-Mex breakfast."
Nora: "Oh my Lord! I took a bite and it had a jalapeno in it. My lips swelled up. I didn't need botox."
Winnie: "Maybe you had an allergic reaction?"
Nora: "You eat those with breakfast?"
Me: "They're really good wrapped in bacon."
Winnie: "With cream cheese."
Judy: "Grilled or fried."

Mock boots. Got 'em in Fort Worth.
Conversation #9: I Gotta Get Me Some of Those Boots
Ex-Rancher Warren: "Hey I liked those boots you wore last weekend. I need some."
Me: "Thanks. But I don't know if they make them for men."
Warren: "They are exactly what I need. I barely can pull mine off anymore."

Conversation #10: The End of the Night
John: "Good night luv."

Wondering if I should buy a cowgirl hat?

The Wondering Texan

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