Wednesday, January 4, 2012

On the Ranch in Noodle, Texas

Over the holiday we visited with our friends way out west on their ranch in Noodle, Texas. Don't you just love that name? Noodle is a little spit of a town with more coyotes and cows than people. There actually is a "coyote tree." A rancher has strung up some coyotes from a tree in accordance with an old wives tale that says it keeps other coyotes away.
A perfect, but cold, sunset.

Being at the ranch seemed like a perfect opportunity to test out our new camera. Miles of horizon and quiet afternoons were interrupted by Lady Gaga music as my 13-year-old and their 14-year-old daughter practiced driving the family's Suburban through the ranch.

 I practiced taking pictures using different angles, focuses and settings. "Turn off the flash and see what happens," Robert, our host, said as I tried to shoot the sunset. "I would, but I don't know how. I haven't read the directions yet," I told him. "You sound like my wife," he said and walked off. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. But I like Liz, so I assume it's good.

So, here are some of the photos of the ranch in Noodle. I'm sure I can do better with time and reading the directions. Now, where did I put those directions?

Past trespassers.

A December sunset.

Can you see the buck by the feeder?

Many nights we spent by the fire.

Two bucks sparring.

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