Monday, January 30, 2012

"Port A" is Texas Island Style, Ya'll

Great burgers and assuming the brew is too.
Late last week after water aerobics, I took a field trip to Port Aransas or as the locals say "Port A."

Limos for the beach.
With the weather in balmy 70s, we boarded the ferry for the other side of the bay. We had hoped to catch a glimpse of dolphins making their way through the channel, but we didn't have such luck. "The really smart dolphins will come up right to your fishing line and snatch a fish off the hook," said my friend. "I get so frustrated with them. Don't they know how much live bait costs!"

New pals are hard to find.
Once we got over, we headed straight for a lunch place with handmade burger buns and moist beef patties. Then our shopping journey began. Need jewelry? There's a place. Need Mexican pottery? Then head for A Mano. But one of my favorite places was Gratitude's, a wild card/gift shop. Glitter on the floor. Shelves packed to the brim with all kinds of fun things. And the owner sports pink hair and bright reader glasses. It's definitely not for the serious minded.

One of the many stores in Port A.
Whereas my town fancies itself an artist community, Port A fancies itself a party town. One shop we tried to visit had a sign on the door that said, "Open M - F 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Unless I decide to go fishing." On that particular day, I guess the fishing was good.

Coral, yellow and turquoise-colored stores. Palm trees. Shorts in January. It's all code for beach. If you wonder if you're close to the beach, just check out these establishment names: Moby Dicks, Pelican's Landing, Trout Street Bar, Crazy Cajun, Beach Lodge, and Beaches Cafe.

Then of course, there's the beach. What more can I say but pretty sand, rolling waves and blue sky. 

With spring break around the corner, the town is preparing for the annual swell of college kids from colder climates to Port A's beaches. I think I'll avoid the area in mid-March.

As we went back over on the ferry, we still didn't see any dolphins, but that didn't dampen our spirits. Another time perhaps. Or maybe we'll just toss a line out and hope to spot a few swimming nearby.

Wondering if Margaritaville could be any better?

The Wondering Texan

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