Monday, April 11, 2011

What a Beach!

Well, just back from a busy weekend. I flew to Corpus Christi for a house hunting excursion. On the way down there, I sat next to a Navy medic on his way back from Gitmo. He will be stationed in Corpus for the next year. A really nice guy in his mid-twenties who kept calling me "ma'am." When we arrived, a welcoming team awaited him to thank him for his service. It was really touching.

Everything was going well, touring schools, etc., when our buyers backed out. So, what started out as a search and find mission turned into a sunny weekend on Padre. So, not all was lost. It brought back spring break memories from college, but I won't divulge those.

Although selling our house has been so frustrating, I know that patience will pay off. Plus, I've already told my husband that once sold, I'm not going to clean our new house from months. So, just get used to pushing the cobwebs to the side before sitting!

When I was down there, I noticed the relaxed pace and totally different vibe. As we were sitting on the beach Saturday evening, drinking wine and listening to the waves crash against the sand, I couldn't help but wonder if our fast-paced life in the Dallas/Fort Worth area contributed to my health crisis. Always in a rush to get to work, then rush home and get the kids to their sports, then rush home and make dinner before finally cramming in the bath and bedtime routine. Anyway, sometimes change is good even if during the process you don't fully understand why you're having to change.

So, while there, I took some pictures of the warm surf and sand. Hope you enjoy. Just wondering, why do some people insist on wearing bikini's when a mirror would tell them not to?

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